
All recipes featured are our own unless otherwise stated. We love to cook and our inspiration comes from everywhere. We have travelled the world, eaten out in countless places and about to lose count of our literary food based collection. Ingredients are always fresh, we very rarely use processed food, everything is achievable at home if you want it to be.

Please feel free to rate, comment or give feedback on anything you see, cook yourself or just have an opinion on. We won’t bite back, promise.

Smoky dried mushroom chilli rubHome made spice blends and rubs are far superior than any shop bought because you can ensure they are fresh, to your liking and no unnecessary additions to the mix. This mix is made with dried shiitake which you can buy in most Asian supermarkets but also very easy to dry at home, you could use porcini if you wish to be extravagant but don't dry your standard button mushrooms as they lack umami when dried. There are endless uses for this rub, coat chicken wings before baking in the oven, add as a seasoning to slow cooked pulled pork, sprinkle on cheese on toast, I would even suggest sprinkling onto freshly cooked paste before further tossing in some cream. Prep time here is dependant on whether you are drying out your own mushrooms and you will need a spice grinder or coffee grinder, a food processor just won't be suitable.