Nasu Dengaku – Sweet miso glazed aubergine

This classic Japanese dish such as many classic dishes do has many variations, traditionally made with sweet white miso but can also be made with standard white or red miso with the addition of a little brown sugar, whichever you use you will love this flavourful, umami laden hearty dish.

 1 Large fleshy aubergine
 3 tbsp Miso
 1 tbsp Mirin
 1 tsp Sake or water
 ½ tsp Brown sugar, if you are not using sweet miso but also optional if you prefer it less sweet
 2 tbsp Vegetable oil for frying
 Toasted sesame seeds to garnish


Firstly make the paste by stirring together the miso, mirin, sake and sugar, if using, until smooth and the sugar has dissolved.


Cut the aubergine in half lengthways and brush with a little oil, heat up a griddle pan and place the aubergine on the pan diagonally for 2-3 minutes to create diagonal scorched marks, swap the aubergine in the other direction again for 2-3 minutes and you should end up with a diamond pattern all over, use this pattern to score the aubergine with a sharp knife about 5mm deep. If you don't have a griddle pan you can skip this part and just score the aubergine as it is.


Now using a standard frying pan of which you will need a lid, heat up the remaining oil over a medium heat then add the aubergine and fry for 4-5 minutes on each side until golden brown and softened, then ensuring the aubergine is flesh side up add approx. 100ml of water to the pan and cover with a lid to steam the aubergine for a further 6-8 minutes then remove the lid and continue to cook until all the water has boiled off, carefully remove the aubergine to a plate.


Spread the miso sauce over the flesh of the aubergine and then grill for 5-10 minutes until the glaze has all bubbled and turned a darker colour, sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds to serve. I used my air fryer for this stage at 180c for 6 minutes.